
We believe in the power of community and collaboration

Thank you for supporting women in your community!

At Missoula Businesswomen’s Network, we believe in the power of community and collaboration. None of our achievements would be possible without the unwavering support of our valued sponsors. Their commitment to our cause fuels our mission and empowers us to make a meaningful difference in our community.

We are committed to supporting our community and your sponsorship helps us to continue that mission. Please contact with us here to connect with us and learn more.


Covers one Nourish & Network Lunch Event Includes Shoutouts on Social Media and our Newsletter leading up to the event.


/ year


Covers two Nourish & Network Lunch Events throughout the year Includes Shoutouts on Social Media and our Newsletter leading up to each of the two events


/ year


Goes toward Nourish & Network Lunch Events and other special events throughout the year Logo featured on the MBN website and in the monthly newsletter, at least 6 social media shoutouts throughout the year.


/ year


Goes toward lunches, special events, prizes, and member scholarships Logo featured on the MBN website, special member profile on the website, regular feature in the monthly newsletter, monthly social media shoutouts for the year, and the opportunity to speak at a Nourish & Network Event


/ year